Mathematics: A Mountain Perspective

Charlotte Mason referred to Mathematics as a mountainous land, where the travelers benefited from an invigorating atmosphere and each step was taken on firm ground.  Join Richele Baburina, author of  “Mathematics: An Instrument for Living Teaching” and “Charlotte Mason’s Living Math:  A Guided Journey”, for a guided journey through the Principality of Mathematics in the Mason classroom from the early years through high school.

Via CM’s analogy of mathematics and the mountainous land, we begin by looking at math education as an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life while moving from preschool through 12th grade. Along the way, we move fear to the back seat, dispel common misconceptions, and gain practical advice for use in your own home school rooms.

This video doesn’t give the detail of teaching each new concept as you will find in the DVD”Charlotte Mason’s Living Math:  A Guided Journey”. Rather the author’s desire for this video is that everyone begins on firm ground.

(1-hour video)